
by Wolf 359

written by Michael Yates Crowley
designed by Asa Wember
directed by Michael Rau

Sarah Jane Tully, a 53-year-old actuary, is taking her first vacation in years, and you’ve been hired to take her place. Temping, the strange and comic tale of an employee’s inner life, is performed for an audience of one by a Windows PC, a corporate phone, a laser printer, and the Microsoft Office Suite. Filling in at Sarah Jane’s cubicle, you’ll update client records, send emails, and eavesdrop on intra-office romance as you discover the secrets of your new employer. Congratulations, you’re the new temp! Pack your lunch and get ready to work. Sign up to participate in Temping on a date between June 15-July 3Temping is presented in partnership with AADL.

Recommended for ages 16+ and for people who have familiarity with Microsoft Office.



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